Blogger Layouts
I am an animal rescuer.
I will save lives. I will lose lives.
I will make wise decisions.I will make mistakes.
I will be surrounded by people who understand what I do and how I feel.
I will be criticized by those who do not understand.
I will rejoice when each homeless huggable finds a new forever family.
I will suffer through days when I cannot get those lost out of my mind.
I am an animal rescuer.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Halloween and black cats

As Halloween approaches, I would like to remind everyone about the no black cat rule, in the Rescues and Shelters. Through the years, we in Rescue, have known that the least adoptable kitties are black, but we do not allow adoptions of black cats, and tortoise shells, during this month.  If space is a problem in your Rescue or shelter, call upon the community to loan crates, and food for them.  

Cats that are black are of course neither lucky or unlucky. A cat of any color is just a cat and cannot influence fortune... unless you believe it can. However superstitions persist about ebony coated cats even in this modern age. Probably because of their dark and mysterious appearance.  Most superstition about black felines would have us believe the cat is malevolent - utter nonsense, of course.

Sadly, due to these superstitions that started here with the Salem Witch Trials, black cats have been at risk of being tortured and killed, during this season.  Therefore, the public should be made aware of  their risk.  Keep your black cats inside during this month, that includes torties, who are mostly black, but orange and white also.  DO NOT LET YOUR PETS BE AT RISK! 

And  remember in November, these wonderful black kitties will be up for adoption, and usually, because they have not been adopted in October.  The price goes down for adoption.  Check with your local shelter for a wonderful companion of a BLACK CAT!

These are three of my fosters.  Two black cats and a tortie.  Felix, Priscilla, and Ebony

Kitty purrs and head bonks,

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